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Our Objectives

  • Collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders to create sustainable solutions for refugees.

  • Providing access to essential services such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education for refugees.

  • Advocating for refugee rights and raising awareness about refugee issues.

  • Offering mental health and psychosocial support to help refugees cope with trauma and displacement.

  • Educate regies of their rights, what they are entitled to and what they are responsible in the host country.

  • End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable lifestyles in refugee camps.

  • Achieve gender equality and empower all refugee women and girls.

  • End discrimination in all its forms everywhere among refugees

  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all regardless their religions, ethnicity, gender, race….

  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all refugees.

  • Ensure refugees have the right to freedom of expression: This right includes freedom of opinion and the freedom to receive or impart information or ideas without interference by public authorities and regardless of frontiers.

  • Reduce inequality within and among refugees.

  • Educate refugees on the management of their donations.

  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

  • Educate the newcomers the culture of the host country.

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Help Us Cross the Finish Line!

We're almost there! With your support, we are just a few donations away from reaching our fundraising goal. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to making a real impact. Join us in this final push and help us cross the finish line. Together, we can make a difference!

Our Core Values

Adhere to the spirit and letter of applicable laws and regulation
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